Eighth Sense Research Group (ESRG) International Journals is a registered independent Organization, a unit of CSIR delivering supports and services to education professionals and researchers around world, especially those from the developing countries.Eighth Sense Research Group foundation journal serves in many individual domains like Computer Science engineering, Electrical engineering, Electronics engineering, Mechanical engineering, Civilengineering, Industrialengineering, Economics,Mathematics, Physics, chemistry, Management, networks, medical science, geological science and Biotechnology. Eighth Sense Research Group is the path finder for research people to innovate or initiate their ideas and sharing the knowledge. Research people can choose your journal and submit the articles.
Our mission is to contribute to the progress and application of scientific discoveries, by providing free access to research information online without financial, legal or technical barriers.
Eighth Sense Research Group (ESRG) have focusing the research and development activities in every engineering discipline and science and humanities. ESRG have strong vision to develop the R&D in to the next level which should be applicable to the society.